Item Coversheet
Plantation City Council Meeting AgendaNotice of City Council Meeting Wednesday, May 26, 2021 ~ 7:00 PM

City of Plantation

City Council Chambers and via Zoom


Economic Development Incentive request for “Project Eterias”

Project Eterias is seeking Local support is seeking support consistent with the State’s Qualified Target Industry “pay for performance” program. Due to the non-renewal of the QTI program, Broward County and the City of Plantation will administer the Strategic Job Creation Incentive (SJCI) program. The combined incentive is $1,000 per net new job.  This is proposed to be shared equally with Broward County.  If the performance parameters are met, the City’s portion will be $250,000, payable over six(6) years, an average annual payout of $42,000.  For this purpose, an authorizing Resolution is attached and is recommended for City Council adoption.


Requested total funding is $250,000. It is anticipated that the incentive will be paid out over six years if our efforts are successful. Funds will be budgeted in the PZED Department. 
Prepared By:

Jason Nunemaker, CAO
DescriptionUpload DateType
Resolution 5/19/2021Resolution
Memo to Council 5/20/2021Cover Memo
Alliance Letter Exhibit 15/20/2021Backup Material
Impact Analysis Exhibit 25/20/2021Backup Material
Local Incentive Payout Schedule Exhibit 35/20/2021Backup Material
RESO 128875/27/2021Cover Memo